Social Welfare and Community Development

This Department coordinates and promotes social development programmes and policies to improve the welfare of people and communities in the Service.

The department represents the MMDAs and the regional planning units on issues pertaining to social and community development.

The department plans, initiates and coordinates community-based projects, day care centres and services for the rehabilitation of the physically challenged.

The following services are offered by the department.


  1. Case Management (SWIMS – It is a Social Intervention)
  2. Protection of Children /adolescence from irresponsible sexuality (Teenage Pregnancy, Child marriages,
  3. Care Reform Initiative,
  4. Protection of children from Child trafficking/labour)
  5. Protection of children from abuses (verbal, physical, emotional/psychological etc.)
  1. Social intervention Program (LEAP)
  2. Disability issues – A social Intervention programme
  3. Community mobilization Engagements
  4. Combating Domestic violence
  5. Internal management of Organization
  6. Gender empowerment and mainstreaming
  7. Support to stranded cases
  1. Court work at District Magistrate court (cases at family Tribunal, cases at Juvenile court)
  2. Social Enquiry Reports on court cases
  3. Social Investigation reports on social issues.
  4. Supervision of probationers
  5. Seeking care order on distressed children
  1. Organise literacy and adult education programmes
  2. Mobilise voluntary contributions and communal labour for the provision of facilities and services such as water, schools, library, community centres and public places of convenience 
  3. Teach deprived or rural women home management and child care
  4. Offer employable and sustainable skills training for the youth.
  5. Undertake community entry processes for programme initiation, monitoring and evaluation;
  6. Organise weekly adult education programmes
  7. Hold community briefing sessions on the role of the Assembly and its Departments with key stakeholders and community members;
  8. Identify, maintain and update data on various groups in the community;
  9. Conduct community needs assessment;
  10. Conduct community surveys and compile profiles;

The Social Welfare and Community Development Department can be reached on the following numbers