On Tuesday 19th September, 2023 the Chief Executive Hon. Seth Kwasi Agbi led a five-member team which consisted of four, two officers from the District Assembly and two from the District Health Directorate, respectfully. Mr. Augustine Frimpong (Assistant Director) South Tongu District Assembly) Madam Grace Howard (Assistant Director) South Tongu District Assembly Madam Mavis Agumey (District Health Director) South Tongu District Madam Melody Enam Bedi (District Health Promotion Officer) South Tongu District to visit various Health Facilities in the district.

The team visited 11 (eleven) facilities and presented 66 (sixty-six) award certificates to the deserving health workers at the various centres.

During the visitation to the various facilities, the District Health Director introduced the District Chief Executive and the team to the staff of the facilities. The staff also introduced themselves to the team and was followed by presentation of the 66 (sixty-six) award certificates to the deserving health workers at the 11(eleven) facilities. The presentations were done by the Hon. District Chief Executive and the District Director of Health Service

After the presentations in these facilities, either the In-Charge of the various facilities or a volunteer (an awardee) gave a vote of thanks/appreciation words on behalf of the staff to the team and also to His Excellency the President for acknowledging their effort during the COVID 19 pandemic.

Adutor CHPS was the team’s first destination. The District Health Director introduced the District Chief Executive and his team to the Adutor health center staff. After the introduction, the DCE proceeded with a short message which he informed the staff of Adutor CHPS compound how His Excellency the President Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo-Addo and the whole nation had recognised and appreciated their efforts during the COVID19 Pandemic in the country and has therefore decided to reward them with certificates.  The South Tongu District received Sixty-six (66) certificates for distribution. The DCE and the DHD presented the certificates to (5) five deserving staff from the Adutor CHIPS Compound.  After the presentation, the In-Charge of Adutor CHPS compound gave her vote of thanks on behalf of the staff to close their chapter of the tour.

From there, the team also visited eleven (11) other health facilities to present the certificates to the health workers. In the other health facilities, same procedures at Adutor were applied.  The health facilities visited and the number of health officers awarded were as follows:

  1. Agbakope CHPS – (3) Three people were awarded
  2. Dabala Clinic- (4) Four staff were awarded
  3. Catherine SHS- (1) one staff was awarded
  4. Tefle clinic- (5) Five Staff were awarded
  5. Sokpoe CHPS- (3) Three Staff were awarded
  6. Sogakope RCH- (9) Nine staff were awarded
  7. Sogasco clinic- (1) staff was awarded
  8. PPAG Clinic – (1) one staff was awarded
  9. District Health Directorate- (9) staff were awarded
  10. South Tongu District Hospital- (25) Twenty-five staff were awarded.

In all, a total of sixty-six (66) deserving staff were awarded in the district. The health workers appreciated the fact that the President himself took time to sign the certificate to honour them, but they appealed that subsequently either money or refreshment should be added to the package.